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Newton-Jasper Lincoln Day Dinner Update

Fellow Republicans: 

Our prayers are with the family of State Auditor Tom Schweich who was deceased today.  

The Joint Newton-Jasper County Lincoln Day Chairman, Jerry Carter, the Jasper County Republican Chairman, Jimmy Morris, and the Newton County Republican Chairman, Nick Myers, agree that the event will take place this Saturday, February 28th, beginning at 6pm at the Butcher's Block Banquet Center. 

Josh Hawley, the keynoter for the Newton-Jasper Lincoln Day Dinner, has confirmed his attendance.  Josh Hawley successfully represented Hobby Lobby in the recent religious freedom case at the US Supreme Court. We are in the process of contacting other guest speakers. 

A time of remembrance of the State Auditor will be observed at Lincoln Day.



Nick Myers, Chairman

Newton County Central Committee